Collins FDC Catalog
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New Foundland & Labrador
97-20 / NF4M
Newfound & Labrador 1997
Harlequin Duck
Fred's Anecdotal Note
1997 Newfoundland and Labrador
Twilight time casts a pinkish glow over the cold landscape. An Arctic fox prowls in a patch of freshly fallen snow. The object of his attention is a pair of striking harlequin ducks that are perched on nearby rocks. A couple of small stepping stones bridge the water that separates them, and the fox is considering his next move.
This is the first Milford ever produced for Newfoundland, making it a very desirable item. It also holds the distinction of being the final cover in my series of Wildlife cachets that were created for the 1996 and 1997 Milford State Duck Covers. Only 125 covers were prepared for this limited edition.