Collins FDC Catalog
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N2601 / Scott 3091
Robert. E. Lee
Collins Cover Announcement
Robert E. Lee
The Mighty Mississippi River is the setting for this handpainted COLLINS in my five cover Riverboat Series. In the 1800's most of the settlements dotting the banks of "Old Man River" were sleepy hamlets reminiscent of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. It is such a waterfront scene that I feature in this cachet.
A young boy who, in fact, could be Huck Finn enjoys the day with his fishing pole and pet dog. Nearby a small flatboat, the watery workhorse used for hauling local cargoes of freight and supplies, is unloaded at the wharf. Bales, barrels, and kegs are neatly stacked attesting to the importance of the busy river trade. Further out, a solitary rower strains at the oars of his dinghy. All in all, a quiet and sleepy morning as the wide river rolls by.
But...the morning is now shattered by an exciting and awaited event. The showboat Robert E. Lee makes its grand approach with its two huge stacks trailing smoke and two smaller stacks near the stern also smoking. The multidecked riverboat is propelled by the huge sidewheel. The Robert E. Lee and similar boats were the grandest vesssels sailing the great river in America's Heartland. A shrill blast on the whistle announces its arrival for your collection. A stirring sight from the days of Huck Finn's Mississippi. The Robert E. Lee. Item #N2601. $11.75.