Collins FDC Catalog
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M2904 / Scott 3236J, 36O, 36P, 36Q
American Art - 1900s
"The Fog Warning,” by Winslow Homer, “Breakfast in Bed,” by Mary Cassatt, “Nighthawks,” by Edward Hopper, “American Gothic,” by Grant Wood
Collins Cover Announcement
Four Centuries of American Art
1900's - Contemporary Life
A Norman Rockwell-like scene is what I chose to represent the 1900's. From the turn of the century one hundred years ago to the fast-approaching end, which will shortly usher in a new millennium, the event is a heartwarming rite of growing up. Two children learn to bake under the tutelage and watchful eye of their grandmother. The ingredients are on the table, and the little girl flattens the pie crust with a rolling pin while older brother eyes the brimming bowl of berries.
This is the fourth of my Four Centuries of Art mini-set with the first three being Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock (1600's), John Audubon's Owl (1700's), and Chief Joseph (1800's). Soon I'll be announcing the fifth and final cover in the set which has an amazing cachet and theme. For now, I am happy to announce my handpainted cachet for the 1900's which is surrounded by four stamps showing wide-ranging expressions of contemporary life. Mine is the warm and enduring memory that many of us share in common - Grandmother's Kitchen. Item #M2904 - $13.75.