Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom
B3603 / Scott 3653
Teddy Bears - Centennial
Bruin Bear, c. 1907
Cover Announcement
This lovable First Day Cover will complete the appealing and heartwarming set of four. As Teddy Bears have been cherished childhood toys for one hundred years, these hand painted cachets will become sought-after philatelic treasures in future years, so don't miss your opportunity to own them now.
The Bruin Bear is the fourth and final cover in this Collins mini-series. I've dubbed him "Christmas Bear" as he sits on a hand made quilt under a decorated tree. A brightly painted toy train sits nearby and hanging ornaments provide a nice backdrop. This FDC will fit very well into the collection of Christmas topicalists. The lovable little bear is just waiting for its new little owner, and you'll be delighted to have it in your collection.
I'm happy to conclude this set (make sure you have them all) with the cuddly little Bruin Christmas Bear, Collins #B3603 - $12.25.