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Collins FDC Catalog

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Q3601 / Scott 3675 & 3677

Christmas Wildlife

Bison -- “Where Buffalo Roam”

Snowman with Red & Blue Scarf & Broom

Collins Cover Announcement 

Christmas Wildlife - 2002

"Where Buffalo Roam"

In 1988, I began a series of Christmas First Day Covers that have become very popular with my collectors, and the concept is unique to Collins covers. On my Christmas Wildlife series, I use one each of the new traditional and contemporary Christmas stamps. For the cachet, I choose a species of North American wildlife and put that animal in a winter setting. The combination has resulted in a wonderful, ongoing Christmas/Wildlife series of Collins FDCs.

This year, the featured animal is the mighty bison found in Yellowstone National Park. The snowcovered ground and trees provide a great setting for the huge, shaggy beasts. A stream runs unfrozen due to the park's famous hot springs. A brightly colored border frames this beautiful scene from nature. I'm pleased to present "Where Buffalo Roam" - Collins #P3601 - $12.75.

Christmas Wildlife

1988 Woodduck "On Winter Pond"                     A1501  Sold Out 

1989 Snowy Owl "Forest Sunrise"                        Q1601  $8.25 

1990 White-Tail Deer "Icy Retreat"                       C1801  $8.75

1991 Timber Wolf "Silent Hunt"                            X1901  $8.75

1992 Wild Turkey "Holiday Gobblers"                  Z2001   $10.50

1993 Red Fox "Holiday Visitor"                             G2201  $10.75 

1994 Pronghorn "Winter Range"                           R2301  $10. 75 

1995 Ring-Necked Pheasant"December Ascent" M2501 $11.25 1996 Black Bear "Christmas Tree Antics"              Y2601   $12.00

1997 Moose "Northwoods Birches"                      H2801   $12.25

1998 Cougar "Catamount Respite"                       U2901   $12.75

1999 Canada Goose "Christmas Feast"                S3101    $12.75 

2000 None Produced 

2001 None Produced

2002 Bison "Where Buffalo Roam"                       P3601   $12.75

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