Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom
V3903 / Scott 3914
Disney Characters
Flounder & Ariel
Cover Announcement
The next two covers for the 2005 Disney stamps are now available. The classic tale of Snow White is represented by a marvelous hand painted cachet. Three of the lovable dwarfs gather around her by their forest home. It's a vintage Disney and is sure to become a collector favorite. The second cachet features Ariel, the Little Mermaid, and two of her underwater friends. This Disney character, like last year's Lion King, is a comparatively new one but has become a quick favorite of Disney fans. The watercolors are rich and vibrant, and this 2005 set of four will prove to be an excellent addition to your Collins collection. The Little Mermaid (V3903) and Snow White (V3904) at $13.25 each.