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Collins FDC Catalog

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F5604 / Scott 5129

Golden – Red-Brested Nuthatch

Cover Announcement 

This songbird is small, has blue-gray feathers with a rusty-red breast, and is the third individually hand painted cover I've offered in the set. These cachets are turning out really nice, and if you are a lover of birds or of wildlife in general, I think you'll appreciate how the watercoloring on each and every cover brings the scene to the height of realism.

The diminutive red-breasted nuthatch has a thick black line through the eye with a white line above it. Its call is high and sounds somewhat like a small tin horn. It prefers evergreen forests in the summer and hardwoods in the winter with frequent visits to bird-feeders if available. Lower Canada provides a summer range for this bird, and midwestern and southern states provide a winter range. The mid-Atlantic states. eastern Canada, and the West Coast of the U.S. into and including the Rocky Mountain States provide a home year-round to the red-breasted nuthatch.

My hand painted cover features a pair in a hardwood tree. Layered snow on the branches and fruit on a vine add

interest to the cachet composition. Collins #F5604 at $15.00.

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