Collins FDC Catalog
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S5503 / Scott 5067
Distinguished Service Cross
Air Force Cross
Cover Announcement
United States Service Cross Medals will be the subjects for this mini-set of fow covers. The individually hand painted cachets will feature the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard. For this series, I decided to put heavy emphasis on the paint colors and their application to create visually interesting military scenes.
ln this first one, an F-86 Sabre Jet streaks through a sun-brightened sky of deep reds and russets. The other covers will feature a Navy blimp patrolling over a fog-shrouded sea, an Army tank rumbling toward a World War II French hedgerow, and a Coast Guard cutter underway through a choppy, white-capped ocean.
The new stamps depicting the medals are very nice. and each is tied to the cover with a first day of issue postmark.
The Air Force Service Cross is now ready. Collins #S5503 at $15.00.