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Collins FDC Catalog

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Z5501 / Scott 5093

Soda Fountain Favorites

Ice Cream Cone

Cover Annoucement 

An ice cream cone is a dry, edible cone-shaped pastry usually made like a wafer, which enables ice cream to be held in a hand and eaten without a bowl or spoon. Cones are often made with a flat, rather than pointed, bottom and various types include wafer, waffle, and sugar.

According to historical accounts. an ice cream vendor at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair ran out of bowls and solved the dilemma by folding waffles from a neighboring vendor to hold the ice cream. The ice cream cone had been born.

The individuallly hand painted cachet shows a double-dip cone, and the watercolors bring a high level of realism. As the old children's rhyme goes. "You scream. I scream, we all scream for ice cream." Collins #Z5501 - $1 5.00.

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