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Collins FDC Catalog


M6001 / Scott 5569

Espresso Drinks

Caffe Latte

Cover Announcement 

Caffe Latte is the second offering in this set of four covers that highlights coffee-producing nations. The focus of this cover is Brazil. Coffee was first introduced to Brazil by the Portuguese in the early 18th century, and within a hundred years, coffee was Brazii's largest export. Coffee plantations expanded rapidly, and by 1930 Brazil supplied more than 80% of the world's coffee. Brazil is still the largest producer of coffee, supplying more than one-third of coffee  worldwide. 

My hand-painied cachet depicts a Brazllian laborer harvesting coffee beans in the Caparao mountain region.

These mountains ascend from the coastal plain to some of the highest altitudes in Brazil, resuiting in coftee with complex sweetness.

Caffe Latte - Collins #M6001 is now ready at $16.50.

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