Collins FDC Catalog
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O6007 / Scott 5589
Herptage Breeds
San Clemente Island Goat
Cover Announcement
This goat originaly derived from feral goats that were isolated on San Clemente Island. These animals are srnall and deer-like. In 2007, a study found that the breed is distinct and that they are critically endangered with their total population being only about 140. In addition to being raised on San Clemente, this heritage Breed can be found on the U.S. mainland and Canada.
From my earliest memories, we always had a small contingent of goats on our family's farm. In fact, when my Dad was a teen. he worked on a goat diary farm for a while.
The hand painted cachet shows a mother goat and her two kids (young goats) in a large pasture. San Clemente Goat - Collins #O6007 at $16.50.