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Collins FDC Catalog


W6001 / Scott 5626

Missouri Statehood Bicentenary

Bolinger Mill & Burfordville Covered Bridge

Cover Announcement 

This individually hand painted cachet captures the rich legacy of American history that Missouri has provided to America. Using a collage technique, a wonderful "look" has been achieved, and an early sell-out is a possibility.

Giving this cachet a distinct appearance, I placed the Saint Louis Arch above the stamp and the first day postmark. Early explorers and pioneers headed west from there in the 1800s, and today's arch is symbolic for the Gateway to the West. The amazing Baseball Hall of Famer and fan favorite Stan "The Man" Musial represents the St. Louis Cardinals. The Blues from along the Mississippi River and the Mountain Music of the northern Ozarks have brass instruments and stringed ones to the left and right respectively.

Harry S. Truman, who became president after FDR's death, has an oval portrait. Mark Twain, incredible spinner of yarns and esteemed author of Americana tales, rocks contentedly as a steamboat and "Old Man River" just keep rolling along. In 1802 Meriwether Lewis, William Clark and their Corps of Discovery began their historic joumey to the Pacific Ocean and back from St. Charles. The final cachet of my 47 - cover Lewis and Clark set is entitled and themed "Currents of Change," and Missouri played such an important role.

To put a final touch in place, I added a small bouquet of dotted hawthorn which is the State Flower. It is delicately wrapped by a banner proclaiming the State motto - "The Show Me State." Many topical collectors will find subjects in this cachet, so don't miss obtaining it. Once sold out, the upside will be immediate. Missouri Bicentennial 1821 to 202l. Collins #W6001 at $16.50.

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