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Collins FDC Catalog

Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

Nene Geese Hawaiian

Z4702 / Scott 4474A

Hawaiian Rain Forest

Hawaii Amakihi, Hawaii Elepalo, Ohi'a Lehua

Cover Announcement 

This set of individually watercolored cachets would be in contention for the best wildlife First Day Covers that I've ever produced. Aside from the absolutely gorgeous subject matter of our Pacific paradise, by a twist of fate, I was able to personally spend quallty time researching each of the new stamps and settings to use as cachet backdrops. This opportunity came about because our son Ryan was married there on the beach, and Linda and I decided to stay awhile after the ceremony to both enjoy a vacation and to do research for the Rain Forest stamps.

The enclosed illustrations will convey the stunning beauty of these cachets. Remember that each and every one is

individually hand painted. During my travels I took many photos including the nene geese, Kamehameha statue

and the Seven Sacred Pools. Linda and I visited the Kilauea Point Lighthouse and the Arizona Memorial as well as many state parks and natural areas. I secured onsite refereace materials for birds, animals, and tropical flowers. We

marveled at the breathtaking coastal vistas. Perhaps the most unusual thing was my personal observation of the

multi-colored pastel bank of the rainbow eucalyptus tree.

This truly beautiful set of ten magnificent covers is available at one per month. Please review the enclosed photos

and consider adding them to your collection by returning the order form. You will love them and that's a promise.


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