Collins FDC Catalog
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P3501 / Scott 3513 & 3620
Star & Flag - Marquis de Lafayette
Cover Announcement
Due to the rate change, there were a number of new stamps issued in June. To take advantage of the distinctive red, white, and blue design of,the three-cent Star stamp, I decided to use it as a dynamic and colorful frame for my cachet portraits.
To honor three of the foreign military officers who volunteered to assist General Washington during the American Revolution, I decided to depict them in a series of three cachets. Appearing on the covers will be the Marquis de Lafayette of France, Baron von Steuben of Germany, and Tadeusz Kosciuszko of Poland. Their portraits, in fulI dress uniform, appear in the center of the bold star frame.
The vivid colors achieved by hand painting will make these covers much sought-after items. Water-colored realism makes the officers very distinguished, and, when placed in the large red, white, and blue star, each is presented in unique fashion and in complete coordination with the new stamps. Kosciuyszko and von Steuben will be offered soon, and today I'm pleased to present the famous Frenchman who assisted so greatly in America's cause - the Marquis de Lafayette" Collins #P3501 - $12.25.