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Collins FDC Catalog

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C1801 / Scott 2514 & 2515

Christmas Wildlife

White-tail Deer -- "Icy Retreat"

Collins Cover Announcement 


"Whitetail Deer - Icy Retreat"

Something has startled a pair of whitetails and they bound away from the potential danger through a winter forest. The minute a deer senses trouble, its tail goes up like a white flag (hence its name) and in this cachet both the big, rugged buck and the sleek, graceful doe have their tails high as they leap across a boulder-strewn brook. Of the season, there can be no doubt. Freshly fallen snow half-covers the rocks in the stream bed and those along the water's edge. Half-fallen trees that are ever present in the deep woods also have their mantle of white. Finally, the majestic hemlocks with their feathery green boughs are trimmed with fresh topings of the recent snow. Once across the brook, both deer are only seconds away from the safety of the dense hemlock thickets that will shield them from whatever prompted their "icy retreat".

This is the third COLLINS Christmas Wildlife cover which is a duo FDC with both Christmas stamps. My first was in 1988 entitled "Woodduck on Winter Pond" which is now sold out. The second was 1989 "Snowy Owl - Forest Sunrise". That cover is Q1601 and is still available at $8.25. It makes a nice companion cover for this third edition.

I believe that the hand painting on this cachet is most natural and creates a feeling of reality. You will enjoy adding this COLLINS to your collection, and I hope that you will look forward to forthcoming "Christmas Wildlife" editions in 1991 and coming years. Item #C1801. $8.75.

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