Collins FDC Catalog
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R3501 / Scott 3619H
George Washington
Cover Announcement
The completed hand painted cachet on this First Day Cover exceeded my own expectations. A teenage George, with his famous and illustrious future still unknown before him, sets out on an early morning hunting trip with two of his favorite dogs. The canines detect a quail or pheasant and react instinctively. The spotted one goes into a classic "point" with a smooth line from the tip of its nose to the tip of its extended tail. The dog is "pointing" at the yet unseen quarry,. The second dog raises its head to a full alert position, indicating to its master that a bird is hidden close by. Reacting to his companions, young George raises his shotgun to the ready position, anticipating a sudden explosion of feathers and motion as the hidden game bird is flushed from its concealed hiding spot.
The overall components ol this hand painted cachet will make it a sure-fire hit with collectors. The pink, gold, and blue of the daybreak sky * The wild green grasses with lavender clusters of meadow flowers * The colonial garb of young Washinglon, including tri-cornered hat and game bag * The excited dogs partaking in the morning hunt * Another day's preparation in self-reliance and self-confidence that will enable this young lad to lead a new nation to independence and become the Father of his country * A morning in Colonial Virginia.
It should be noted that the year 2002 can be found in tiny numbers at the lower left of the new stamps. This identifies the new stamps from the 2001 variety that were used on my Washington Marries Martha" (U3401) cover. Now ready is the new 2002 Washington cover as young George enjoys an
early morning hunt. Collins #R3501 - $12.50.