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Collins FDC Catalog

Memories of Lincoln

D5901 / Scott 5414

Literary Arts

Walt Whitman - Poet

Lincoln Mourning Train

Cover Announcement 

This individually hand painted cachet honors the famous poet Walt Whitman. He greatly respected and admired Abraham Lincoln and was deeply affected by the President's assassination. After Lincoln's death in April of 1865, Whitman wrote a total of four poems dealing with memories of the American leader. The first, "Hush'd by the Camps to-day" was hastily written shortly after the death.

The next two were composed in the months that followed. "O Captain! My Captain!" was popular upon publication and remains so today. A few lines are shown in my cachet under the stamp and cancel. About the same time, "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd" was written and is considered one of Whitman's finest works. In 1981 the poems were grouped in a cluster printed in the "Memories of President Lincoln" chapter of Leaves of Grass.

My individually hand painted cachet features a fine portrait rendition of Whitrnan. It also features a detailed illustration of the steam engine that pulled the President Lincoln mourning train. The watercolors all work together to make this a fitting tribute for one of America's greatest poets. Walt Whitman saying farewell to Abraham Lincoln - Collins  # D5901 at $16.50

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