Collins FDC Catalog
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97-03 / RW64
Federal 1997
Canada Goose
Fred's Anecdotal Note
1997 Federal
The Canada Goose is the subject for this year's fifteen-dollar United States Migratory Bird Stamp. It is tied to this hand-painted Mlford FDC by a nice pictorial postmark from the specially designated "Duck Stamp Station" in McLcan, Virginia. The beautiful cancel recreates pose of the goose shown on the stamp.
The hand-painted cachet continues my two-year Milford Wildlife series. For this Federal issue, I chose the grizzly bear as it is viewei by many as the mammal most representative of our remaining wilderness areas. It is the world's largest terrestrial carnivore. Here, one of the huge bears stands on his hind legs and watches with curiosity as a Canada goose swims idly nearby. In the foreground, a bed of wild bunch berry plants thrive along the stream. The rugged backgrournd is typical of the grrzzly's terrain as is the high mountain meadow in which this dramatic cachet scene takes place.
Only 125 of this limitod-edition Mlford First Day Cover were produed