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Collins FDC Catalog

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97-18 / WA13

Washington 1997

Canada Geese by A. Young

Fred's Anecdotal Note

1997 Washington

Two features combine to make this limited-edition Milford duck cover a very special collectible. When I took the covers in to the Olympia Post Office for canceling, the window clerk directed me to a back office for special requests. The man there postmarked these new stamps with the "claims and inquiry" canceling device. I was delighted as this is a most rare postmark (and therefore highly desirable and collectible) to be found on covers. It is the very first time that a "claims and inquiry" cancel appears on any Milford or Collins Cover. This makes it a great piece to own!

The second feature contributing to the collector appeal of this item is the gorgeous hand painted cachet. A mountain goat nimbly picks his way along a rocky ledge as a Canada goose wings by. In the background, a second goat is seen on a stone outcropping. A high mountain meadow appears like a lush green blanket below with forests and mountains beyond.

A truly unique and wonderful cover in my Milford Wildlife Series (1996-1997) with only 150 being produced.

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