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Collins FDC Catalog


98-01 / CO9

Colorado 1998

Redheads by Cynthie Fisher

Fred's Anecdotal Note

1998 Colorado

The Colorado Division of Wildlife decided to place their new duck stamps on sale at the Rocky Mountain Philatelic Exposition (ROMPEX in Denver. Since this was their first experience in a public ceremony and First Day, I was honored that they consulted with me as to the format. I was also invited to attend the event, which I did.

A magnificent First Day of Issue cancel features Colorado's ram's head logo. It ties both stamps to the cover. The maritime show cancel was also secured. My hand painted cachet features a red head duck swimming on a mountain lake. Stamp numbers used were 10651 to 10800 with only 150 covers being made for this limited-edition and quite distinctive Milford.

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