Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom
2001 Honorable Mention Cat 9 - 10
F3410 / Scott 3506J
Great Plains Prairie
Two-striped Grasshopper & Ord's Kangaroo Rat
Cover Announcement
The winsome Ord's Kangaroo Rat brings this engaging set of prairie wildlife covers to a conclusion. This hand painted cachet, done in the series format of dramatic close-up renditions, depicts this adorable furry rodent with puff cheeks, big lovable eyes, and a cute whiskered nose. The groundhuggtng pose makes it a very appealing picture, and the natural tones of the various watercolors bring the diminutive creature to life. You'll love it!
The varied growing patterns of tall-grass, mixed-grass, and short-grass reach from the eastern woodlands to the foothills ofthe Rocky Mountains. Assorted grasses and numerous wildflowers make good use of limited rainfall, and fire helps sustain the ecosystem. Our early explorers were so impressed by the immensity of the central and western grasslands that they aptly named the region "The Great Plains." Prairies provide habitats for many animals from the large grazers to the small burrowers. The close-up renditions that I chose for my cachets will ensure that this distinctive Collins set of wildlife art will always be desired and actively sought by collectors. I'm pleased to offer the tenth and final piece in the Great Plains Prairie series - Ord's Kangaroo Rat - Collins #F3410 - $12.25.