Collins FDC Catalog
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U2205 / Scott 2823
Silent Screen Stars
John Gilbert
Collins Cover Announcement
John Gilbert was the romantic leading man in many memorable silent films. This handsome star stole hearts in such early movies as "The Merry Widow"; "The Big Parade"; and, "Flesh, and the Devil".
I chose to portray this early film idol in a romantic setting. It is a spring meadow with leafy young trees, green grass, and multicolored wildflowers. In this springtime paradise, a floral-print blanket is spread on the ground upon which John and his leading lady are having a picnic. Wicker baskets and other accessories add to the scene. Gilbert gazes longingly at his love as she shyly avoids his direct admiration and coyly offers him a piece of fruit. It is a pleasing cachet and captures Gilbert in the type of romantic situation that was the theme of so many of his movies.
As a reminder, this is the set that has the "Classic Silent Film" border that I devised to forever identify this COLLINS series with a "look" all its own. No other cachetmaker produced a set anything like this and, as it continues to come together, you will find that it is refreshing and different. Now joining the previously offered Charlie Chaplin, Clara Bow, and Buster Keaton is the rugged, charming, and handsome ladies' man -- John Gilbert. Item #U2205. $10.75.