Collins FDC Catalog
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N2604 / Scott 3094
Rebecca Everingham
Collins Cover Announcement
Rebecca Everingham
In addition to passenger traffic, the riverboats of the Old South carried much cargo including cotton. For my COLLINS Cachet I decided to capture this era and have shown this historic boat loaded to its ultimate capacity with bales of burlap-wrapped cotton.
Taking my cue from the golden tones used for the sky and water in the stamp, I created a wide expanse of slow-moving Oklawaha River water in dazzling reflections of the rays of the morning sun. This wide ribbon of gold flows through the subtropical landscape of northern Florida when it was still wild and untamed. Palm trees and other native plants line the banks and a large gator seeks the warmth of the morning sun.
With both decks completely obscured by the cotton bales, the riverboat labors along the Oklawaha with stern wheel churning and the twin stacks leaving their smokey wake.
This is another of my watercolor cachets that must be seen to appreciate the mood and tone of the sweltering scene. With a loud blast on her whistle, the Rebecca Everingham is ready to sail into your collection. Item #N2604. $11.75