Collins FDC Catalog
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Q2501 / Scott 3024
Utah Statehood
Collins Cover Announcement
1896 TO 1996
Fur trappers and mountain men explored Utah in the early 1800's. The area was named for the Ute Indians who lived in the Uinta Basin. Jim Bridger discovered the Great Salt Lake in 1824. The area was settled by Mormon pioneers fleeing religious persecution in Illinois.
As these pioneers journeyed west over the Mormon Trail in the 1850's, thousands of them traveled with unique handcarts. In fact, a campfire song soon became popular on the Trail.
"The Handcart Song"
And with the faithful make a start,
To cross the plains with your handcart.
For some must push and some must pull,
As we go marching up the hill.
So merrily on the way we go,
Until we reach the Valley.
Personal possessions were limited to just over fifteen pounds for each traveler and they were stowed on the handcards to be pushed and pulled along the Trail toward the Salt Lake Valley. In her journal, a young girl, Mary Ann Haf en, remembered her family's struggle to begin a new life.
"There were five to our cart. Father and Mother pulled it;
Rosie who was two rode; and John and I walked. Sometimes, if it was downhill, I got to ride too. Mother's feet grew so swollen that she could not wear shoes but had to wrap her feet in cloth."
For my hand-painted cachet, I felt compelled to pay tribute to this hardy group of pioneers who traveled westward with their handcarts. It turned out to be a magnificent First Day Cover, and I am very proud to offer it for your collection. Men, women, and children heading toward the dawn of a new day and a new life.
The new stamp features the "Delicate Arch" rock formation found in the Arches National Park. It would have been a good cachet subject. Explorer Jim Bridger and Mormon leader Brigham Young were appealing historic Utah personalities who are deserving of cachet recognition. The Transcontinental Golden Spike Ceremony linking the country by rail, took place in Utah on May 10, 1869, Utah's 1896 State Constitution gave women the right to vote. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir is world famous. Great Salt Lake is the largest natural lake west of the Mississippi River. All of the above were considered by me for this issue's COLLINS cachet.
But, in the end, it was no contest because the appeal of ordinary families traveling together to start a new life was overpowering.
And, I promise that you will love this hand-painted cachet showing the long procession of pioneers and their carts heading for the Salt Lake Valley.
"And with the faithful make a start,
To cross the Plains with your handcart.
Centennial of Utah Statehood. Item #Q2501. $10.75.