Collins FDC Catalog
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Z2601 / Scott 3120
Chinese New Year
Year of the Ox
Collins Cover Announcement
"Year of the Ox"
My handpainted cachet shows a Chinese Farmer plowing his rice field with an ox. The detail Is very nice and the soft watercolors chosen are very pleasing. As always, I've tried to complement the cachet shades with those in the stamp. In the foreground, a second tethered ox ads a nice penspective to this coves for this year's animal from the Chinese Zodiac.
The series started in 1992 and will continue in the future until all off the various animals in the Chinese New Year have been featured. My COLLINS Covers for these issues make a nice mini-collection and I've listed the previous ones below. My stocks are low, and I think good items to put away as there will be a constant strong market for them.
My 1997 Year of the Ox. Item #Z2601. $11.75
Previous New Year Stamps
B2101Yeas of the Roostes$10.75'
Q2201Yeas of the Dog 10.75
V2301Yeas of the 'loan 10.75
V2501Yeas of the Rat Sold Out
Z9601Yeas of the Ox 11.75