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Collins FDC Catalog

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I3104 / Scott 3336

Famous Trains


Collins Cover Announcement 



The Hiawatha was known as "the fastest train in America." Twice a day, it would provide service between Chicago, Milwaukee, and the twin cities of Minneapolis and-St. Paul. This train was-pulled by the F-7 steam locomotive, and in 1938 designer Otto Kuhler streamlined them and used multiple colors. The Hiawatha stamp is tied to the cover by the incredible Topeka, Kansas pictorial postmark depicting an early engine.

My hand painted cachet for this cover features three members of the train crew. Featured is the conductor who had the responsibility of making sure the train ran on time. The conductor's reliable pocket watch is a great symbol of American passenger trains. Also shown on this cachet are the fireman (lower left) and the engineer (upper left). When the stamp, postmark, and cachet are all viewed together, this becomes another fine railroad First Day Cover. The Hiawatha. Item #I3104 - $12.25.

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