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Collins FDC Catalog

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N3003 / Scott 3293C

Sonoran Desert

White Winged Dove, Prickly Pear

Cover Announcement 

For the final cover of this magnificent desert set of ten, I'm pleased to present a hand painted cachet that captures the contradictions of the Sonoran habitat. The bearitiful presence of the whiie-winged dove is contrasted by the ominous appearance of the feared scorpion. The barren, stark landscape is contrasted by the delicate blooms of a floweing tree. It's a perfect way to end this set because it colorfully illustrates the truth of the phrase "the living desert."

If you have acquired all of my Sonoran Desert cachets for your FDC holdings, I think that you will be very happy in the years ahead. I feel that it is the "best of issue" set of covers, and I believe that you will see them appreciate in value during the coming years. Future collectors will look back and wish ihey had had the opportunity to complete this set at origlnal cost. I am very happy with this effort and hope that you enjoy viewing your Collins "Sonoran collection" often.

I'm pleased to announce the final distinctive cover of the set. From the land of contrasts - the scorpion and the dove. Item #N3003 - $12.25.

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