Collins FDC Catalog
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S3101 / Scott 3355 & 3356
Christmas Wildlife
Canada Goose -- "Christmas Feast"
Red & Gold
Collins Cover Announcement
Christmas Wildlife
"Christmas Feast" Canada Goose
When I first started this series featuring North American wildlife on Christmas FDCs, I chose the magnificent wood duck to be on the cachet. That was in 1988, and this is the first time since then that a waterfowl has been selected for the cachet. The stirring and distinctive honking chorus from a migrating "V" of Canada geese is a sound that never ceases to give me a thrill-and a pleasant chill. It is one of nature's finest moments as the wedge formation of honking geese pass overhead.
This hand painted cachet finds a flock of Canadas enjoying a meal in a winter corn field. The autumn harvest always leaves some missed ears that end up providing a food source for various wild creatures. A dusting of snow has not covered the eagerly sought corn, and the geese peck happily amid the stalk remnants. An old barn in the background provides a nice country setting. Many collectors enjoy migratory bird subject matter, and this is one that will appeal to everyone. Surrounding the scene is a hand painted border which has been traditional with this Christmas Wildlife series.
Two Christmas stamps, traditional and contemporary, are used on this cover and the First Day postmark is from Rudolph, Wisconsin. This once-a-year series of winter wildlife covers, that is a Collins exclusive, has proved to be very popular with collectors. A listing of past editions still in stock is available upon request. Now ready is my 1999 Canada goose wildlife cover entitled "Christmas Feast." Item #S3101 - $12.75.