Collins FDC Catalog
Classics Forever
Benjamin Franklin
“The First American”
Cover Announcement
Benjamin Franklin was an important figure in the American colonies in the years leading up to and during the War for
lndependence. He was, by trade, a printer, but he was also a leading author, a prominent politician, a scientist, the first
postmaster of the United States, a skilled inventor, a civic activist, a statesman, and a diplomat.
He is known for his work with electricity, his inventions of the lightning rod, bifocals, the Franklin stove, and many others. He helped to found the Universify of Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia Fire Department.
Franklin earned the title of "The First American" for his early, and tireless campaigning for colonial unity, and helped
define the American ethic as a combination of the values of thrift, hard work, education, community spirit, self-govemment, and opposition to religious and political authoritarianism. And in that critical time of the surge for independence, he was the voice of reasoned and ardent patriotism.
Benjamin Franklin - "The First American'' is now ready. Collins #V5505 at $15.00.