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Collins FDC Catalog

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X3108 / Scott 3190H

Celebrate the Century - 1980s

Compact Discs

Collins Anecdotal Note 

As Yogi Belra once said, "It's d6jd vu all over again." Back when I was starting the "Celebrate the Century" project, I made an error on the Orville and Wilbur Wright cachet. It was the last of the 1900s decade, and, as I was simultaneously working on the l910s, I mistakenly put 1910 on the wright Brothers cachet.

This time, for the compact discs cover (which was my final effort for the 1980s), I was simultaneously beginning work on the 1990s, and that date appears on the CD covers. In both cases, all of the covers produced have the error dates, so it will not affect the collectibility or value of your collection. And, perhaps as

collectible errors, these two covers might make your Collins Ceiebrate the Century series even more desirable.

Please keep this notice in or with your compact discs cover.

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