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Collins FDC Catalog

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P3301 / Scott 3476


Statue of Liberty

Cover Announcement 

For quite a while, I've been waiting for an opportunity to create a cachet dedicated to the employees of the Unites States Postai Service. During my years as a cachetmaker, almost all of the USPS employees have extended me their utmost cooperation in the servicing of my covers. Further, our hobby is one of postage stamps, so it seems fitting that a Collins cachet should be dedicated to the folks at the post office.

Americana is always a welcomed subject, and the composition of this cachet is tremendous. A proud bald eagle with talons grasping arrows and olive branches, holds in its beak a colorful banner proclaiming the envelope a "First Day of Issue." A liberty bell rings the toll of freedom, and Lady Liberty lifts her torch high. Serving as a backdrop is a colonial flag with the circle of stars. As an extra touch, an "Uncle Sam" stamp is added to the new coil Liberty stamp.

The individual hand painting of this cachet is superb, and it is one of the finest patriotic First Day Covers that you will ever see. 34c Statue of Liberty coil stamp - Item #P3301. $12.50.

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