Collins FDC Catalog
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R3401 / Scott 3528
Carnivorous Plants
Venus Flytrap
Cover Announcement
This cover is the first of four for the Carnivorous Plant series. The coloring of this plant is magnificent, which only hand painting can capture in such vivid and realistic tones. The interior of the leaf is a very bright pink/red, which acts as a lure to potential prey. When the lobe closes around a trapped insect, rows of spikes interlock to keep the plant shut. The Venus flytrap then secretes enzymes, which dissolve the tissues resulting in fluids, which are absorbed by the plant as food. After seveial days, the plant reopens - once again revealing the bright pink lure.
The contrasting colors of vivid greens, pink and red make this cover a true eye-catcher. The other three that will be offered in the coming weeks are also dazzling in their colorization. Now ready is the lovely but sinister Venus Flytrap - a most interesting hand painted First Day Cover. Item #R3401 - $12.25.