Collins FDC Catalog
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K3502 / Scott 3560
U.S. Military Academy - Bicentennial
Famous Graduates – John J. Pershing, George Patton & Douglas McArthur
Cover Announcement
In addition to the K3501 previously announced (Cadets in Full Dress Uniform), I decided to also do a cachet variety showing three famous graduates of the United States Military Academy.
John J. Pershing was captain of cadets in his final year at the Point. As an upper classman, he was known for exercising hard and firm authority over underclassmen. Black Jack Pershing went on to become the commander-in-chief of the Allied Expeditionary Force in World War I. In assembling the largest American Army to that time, he proclaimed, "The standards of the American Army will be those of West Point."
During his final year at the Academy, Douglas MacArthur achieved the rare double distinction of being selected first captain of the Corps and graduating first in his class. He became superintendent of West Point at age thirty-nine. During his tenure, he realized that modern U.S. Armies of citizen-soldiers had to be led through understanding and respect rather than fear and strict regimentation. As all Americans know, General MacArthur went on to play a prominent role in World War II and is perhaps best remembered for uttering the famous words - "I Shall Return."
George S. Patton wrote his future father-in-law from West Point saying "It is as natural for me to be a soldier as it is to breathe." His grandfather was a Confederate general and at the Academy he showed early signs of the flamboyant commander who would relentlessly lead his armor across France and Germany in World War II and earn four stars in the process. One of West Point's best horsemen ever, it is easy to picture George Patton as a successful general be it tanks in the 20th Century or cavalry in bygone years.
This cachet edition is more limited than the'Cadets in Dress Uniforms - K3501" previously offered. You might want to consider ordering an extra as this will prove to be a "must own" FDC for military topicalists, as well as future Collins collectors. It is probable that this is the first time these three American military leaders have appeared together on one First Day Cover. It is my honor to announce the Collins West point cachet honoring this trio of United States generals. In West Point's 200th year we remember cadets Pershing, MacArthur, and Patton. Collins #K3502 - $12.25.