Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom
N3501 / Scott 3612
American Design
Toleware Coffeepot
Cover Announcement
A brand new United States definitive series begins with the release of this new Toleware stamp. By acquiring this first Collins cachet for the new series, you will be able to add the subsequent issues and stay complete. This series will be the successor to the highly popular Transportation Series.
The toleware coffee pot pictured on the stamp is in the Winterthur Museum in Winterthur, Delaware. It is dated from the mid-1800s and probably was made in Philadelphia. To meet postal requirements, I used eight of these multi-colored stamps on the envelopes, and they are tied to the cover with two bullseye First Day postmarks. My hand painted cachet features a toleware teapot, and it is quite ornate. This art form consists of painted tinware - usually in swirls, flowers, or fruit designs - and was very popular in the 19th Century.
You will like the visual appeal of this cover. The large teapot is partially framed by a strand of roses in the hand painted cachet. The eight stamps with their lovely toleware coffee pot form a wonderful large rectangle that is very eye-catching. When you receive it, look at the colorfull and handsome design on the pots with a magnifying glass, and you'll come to really appreciate this art form. I'm pleased to offer the first stamp and Collins cachet in a new U.S. definitive series of stamps. American Toleware - Collins #N3501 - $12.25.