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Collins FDC Catalog

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K3701 / Scott 3791

Southeastern Lighthouses

Hillsboro Inlet, Florida

Cover Announcement 

The Pompano Beach, Florida Lighthouse, which is shown on this new stamp, was actually built in Detroit, Michigan and then shipped to Florida. The octagonal tower design was something new for its time, and the light was activated in 1907 . ln 1974, the lighthouse became automated, and it is still in operation today - being visible for over twenty miles. Prior to 1974, more than 40 keepers tended the Hillsboro Inlet Lighthouse.

For the hand painted cachet, I depict the Ocracoke Island Lighthouse in North Carolina. A black skimmer flies a solitary patrol over the gently breaking surf. Five sanderlings scurry along the beach and make a detour around a crab shell and two ruddy turnstones which are enjoying a bounty of tender morsels washed ashore by the small waves. In the distance, the Ocracoke Light rises above the choppy surface of the ocean.

I'm pleased to offer this next cover in the series - two Southeastern Lighthouses and three species of shore birds. Hillsboro Inlet Light. Collins #K3701 - $12.25.

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