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Collins FDC Catalog

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U3701 / Scott B3

Stop Family Violence

Domestic Violence

Cover Announcement 

The somber design of this new issue was by a young girl who depicts on the stamp another young girl who is sad and holding up her hands as if to say, "Enough is enough - please stop." My hand painted cachet follows through with the youth theme as a brother and sister pause at the bottom of a staircase and are clearly disturbed by what they are hearing.

This is the nation's third semipostal stamp for which a surcharge is added to its cost. ln this case, it is eight cents plus the first-class rate. The net proceeds from sales are being transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services to support programs aimed at stopping domestic violence.

As awareness is always a positive thing, the Stop Family Violence FDC is now ready to be added to your collection. Collins #U3701 - $12.25

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