Collins FDC Catalog
M3801 / Scott 3854, 3855, 3856
Lewis & Clark Expedition - Bicentennial
Lewis & Clark
Cachet shows Lewis, Clark, Sacajawea, Keelboat, Bison, Pronghorn, and Prairie Dogs
Cover Announcement
Two hundred years ago under the direction of President Thomas Jefferson, captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark led a small military unit from Saint Louis to the Pacific Ocean. The vast territory was unknown, and as the Corps of Discovery departed in 1804, no one knew what might lie ahead. The winter of 1804/05 was spent with the Mandan tribe in North Dakota.
In the spring, the expedition headed west with a newly hired guide called Charbonneau and his young Indian wife Sacajawea. As fate would have it, the young woman turned out to be a major asset to the explorers as she helped secure horses for crossing the mountains, saved the captains' precious joumals when a canoe overtumed, helped secure various foodstuffs from the land and, by her mere presence (and that of her infant son), helped demonstrate that the expedition was on a peaceful mission.
The Corps of Discovery pushed west across Montana portaging around the great falls of the Missouri. With horses secured from the lndians, they crossed the formidable and perilous Rocky Mountains. Finally, it was down the Columbia River, and, in November of 1805, the triumphant band of adventurers reached the Pacific Ocean. Choosing a location with fresh water and abundant game, Lewis and Clark had the men construct Fort Clatsop (named after the local Indian tribe) which would shelter them from the elements and provide protection from any potential hostiles. The fort was near present-day Astoria, Oregon. In the early spring of 1806, the Corps of Discovery headed east toward home. Late that same year, Lewis and Clark and all of their men except one retumed to St. Louis where most of the residents had long presumed them lost. Against all odds, this small group of heroes had successfully completed their incredible joumey.
This Lewis and Clark cover is a true gem and is the only one I'll be offering outside the set previously announced. It has all three of the new stamps, and each one has a different First Day postmark from Astoria, Oregon. From a philatelic viewpoint, the prize cancellation is the Fort Clatsop pictorial secured on site by my friend and Oregon postal historian Bill White. The hand painted cachet done in beautiful watercolors is a real beauty. The top features Lewis and Clark with their Indian guide Sacajawea. Included is the keelboat in which they left St. Louis in 1804. Across the bottom are examples of the many animals and plants they encountered or discovered on their journey - the
mighty bison, the fleet pronghom, the curious prairie dog, and the beautifirl bitterroot flower.
Important note: Please remember that this cover is not part of the previously announced Lewis and Clark Bicentennial set and that it's the only First Day Cover I'll be doing for this issue outside the set. I'm pleased to offer this superb philatelic tribute to Captains Lewis and Clark. Collins #M3801 - $16.50