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Collins FDC Catalog


N3812 / Scott 3854

Lewis & Clark Expedition - Bicentennial

Fred's Anecdotal Note

Chief Litfle Thief - Otos

President Jefferson wanted Lewis and Clark to introduce American influence to the various tribes they encountered, establish peacefrrl relations, and broach a trading

partnership where the Indians would put down their weapons and take up traps for the fur trade. At dusk on August 2, 1804, the Corps encountered their first Indians when a band of Otos visited their camp. The warriors were invited back the next day to the Corps campsite which they named Council Bluff. On August 3rd at 10 a.m., the Otos arrived and Lewis, in fulI uniform, gave a speech. The main chief, Little Thief, was away hunting, and the captains asked the band to retum with him. On August 18th it was the 30th Birthday of Lewis, and the fiddle came out for a celebration. The next morning the air gun, magnifying glass, and telescope were used to impress the Otos. The Indians wanted guns and whiskey but got only tobacco, paint, and beads. Little Thief agreed to joumey to Washington at a future date, so the meeting did have some success. Ahead, however, awaited the fierce Sioux.

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