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Collins FDC Catalog


N3818 / Scott 3855

Lewis & Clark Expedition - Bicentennial

Fred's Anecdotal Note

Chief Weuche - Yankton Sioux

On August 29, 1804 about 4 pm, Sergeant pryor made contact with the Yankton Sioux. He reported back that they seemed friendly and that their tents had a "conic form containing about 12 or I5 persons each and 40 in number." He thus became the first American to describe the teepee. At l0 am the next day, the two groups met. The Corps put on their dress uniforms, and the Sioux dressed in their full regalia. Lewis gave Chief Weuche a medal, a military coat and hat and an American flag.

That night the men were guests at the Yankton village. Clark wrote "The Souix is a stout bold looking people (the young men hand som) & well made. The warriors are verry much deckerated with pain porcupine quills & feathers, large leagins & mockersons, all with buffalow roabs of different colours. Thi squars wore petticoats & white buffalow roabes with the black hair turned back over their necks & shotders.,"

The next day the Corps of Discovery left their hosts with a promise that Chief Weuche would consider a future trip to Washington. They also left with a warning from a warrior named Arcawechar about the fierce Teton Sioux up-river that they 'will not open their ears, and you cannot, I fear, open them.,'

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