Collins FDC Catalog
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P3802 / Scott 3862
National World War II Memorial
Cover Announcement
It took a very long time (almost 60 years!) for a World War II memorial to be built and dedicated on the National Mall in Washington, DC. The new stamp depicting the memorial is such an important issue and so long overdue that I decided to do a set of six to recognize the various branches of our
World War II era armed forces.
The first cover is dedicated to the Navy. The cachet features an Iowa-Class battleship and a destroyer at sea. In the foreground overhead, two Navy F-4U Corsairs and a TBF Avenger torpedo bomber fly through the clouds. In the lower right is the Navy seal, and to the upper left is the bold inscription for this hand painted World War II First Day Cover. These military covers will become very sought after collectibles, and an early sell-out is a distinct possibility. Dedicated to the United States Navy Collins # P3802 - $12.25.