Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

Z3706 / Scott 3831I
Pacific Coral Reef
Triton’s TrumpetOriental Sweetlips, Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse, Mushroom Coral
Collins Cover Announcement
Pacific Coral Reef
It is with great pleasure that I announce my Pacific Coral Reef set often. Of all the covers I've produced in the Nature Habitat series thus far, these cachets will be the most colorful. The beautiful Pacific Ocean waters will have blues and greens of many splendid shades. The tropical fish and other Pacific marine life will combine vivid, bright watercolors with softer and more natural tones. And, of course, the many featured coral formations will bring in a wide assortment of additional colorful hues. Quite frankly, this set is a watercolorist's dream come true, and the resulting hand painted cachets will be superb.
These covers will be offered at the rate of one per month. This will make it affordable for every hobby budget, plus it will provide the time needed for the extensive hand painting in beautiful watercolors. As always, reservations will be accepted on a first-come/first-served basis, so please return your order form promptly.
As for the cachet topics, sometimes they will be the same as the stamp such as the black-spotted puffer. Sometimes they will be subject related such as the green sea turtle and the hawksbill turtle. And sometimes they will be entirely different such as the lionfish and the blacktip reef sharks. This formula gives me the flexibility to produce a diverse and truly superb set of colorful and interesting covers.
I will be starting your set with the beautiful blue regal tang. Then each month I will send your new Pacific Coral Reef cover until the set of ten is complete. I am anxious for you to see these spectacular examples of hand painted cachet art for yourself. Collins #Z3701 to Z3710.