Collins FDC Catalog
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A4001 / Scott 3931
Sporty Cars of the 1950s
1953 Studebaker Starliner
Cover Announcement
During the 1950s, the drive-in movie was a favorite destination for Friday and Saturday night dates. Most of them have now become extinct and remain oniy as pleasant memories of days past. One of the few remaining operational drive-in theaters in the country is in Warwick, New York about five miles from our previous home in Hewitt, New Jersey. Each time I go past it, my mind wanders back to the nostalgic carefree years of the late 50s.
The hand painted cachet features a Studebaker Starliner. The sports car's driver has pulled in, found a good parking spot, and pulled the designated audio speaker inside the vehicle. Now it's just a matter of time before dusk turns to dark and the movie becomes clearer as the blackness of night descends. A generation enjoyed the drive-in movie years, and now those years and the vintage Studebaker are preserved in this hand painted cachet. Collins #A4001 - $13.25.