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U3901 / Scott 3911
Legends of Hollywood
Henry Fonda - Actor
Collins Cover Announcement
Henry Fonda
The Legends of Hollywood
Henry Fonda passed away on August 12, 1982 after an incredible 50-year career on the stage and in motion pictures. When viewed in his various roles, Fonda's persona was one of integrity. There was just something in his eyes, voice, and general appearance and manner that made him seem honest and trustworthy. These attributes made him a great actor. Off the movie screen and stage, Henry was described as cold, aloof, and angry. He seemed to be an indifferent father, and his children have said that he was distant and unaffectionate. He himself is quoted as saying, "I'm not really Henry Fonda. Nobody could have that much integrity."
Whatever the complexities of his personal life, there can be no denying the success and stardom of his acting career. Fonda made his debut with the Omaha Community Playhouse in the mid-1920s. He joined the Cape Cod University Players in 1928 where he met future star James Stewart. They became roommates and remained close friends for the rest of their lives. In 1939, his Hollywood career took off when director John Ford gave him the lead in The Grapes of Wrath. In 1942, he enlisted in the Navy to serve in World War II. When pressured to do public relations work, he replied, "I don't want to just sell war bonds. I want to be a sailor." He served as a seaman on the destroyer USS Satterlee as a quartermaster third class. He rose through the ranks and was commissioned as a lieutenant junior grade. In the late 1940s, he worked with John Wayne in the movie Fort Apache and later with the Duke again in The Longest Day and In Harm's Way.
In 1955, he starred with James Cagney in Mr. Roberts. He had performed the same role on Broadway in 1948. One of his last pictures was On Golden Pond with Katherine Hepburn for which he won an Oscar for Best Actor. My hand painted cachet features Henry in his on-stage role as "Mister Roberts" and also in his forever-famous portrayal of Tom Joad in The Grapes of Wrath. His acting abilities were unique, and this hand painted First Day Cover salutes a true Legend of Hollywood — Henry Fonda. Collins #U3901 —$13.25