Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

I4101 / Scott 4025
Disney Characters - Romance
Mickey & Minney Mouse
Collins Cover Announcement
Art of Disney
It's a pleasure and an honor to once again pay tribute to the great artists at Disney by offering the First Day Covers for the new 2006 stamps. As always, this mini-set of four is an issue that many of you have been waiting for, and I would suggest that you get your order in promptly to protect against a quick sell-out.
This year I will be shipping and invoicing for the set of four at one cover per month. This allows just enough time for hand painting and, at the same time, makes them fit more easily into everyone's hobby budget. Some collectors prefer to pay up front for the entire set, and this is fine, but I'll still only be able to ship monthly as painting is completed.
The four stamps this year are all Disney classics, and my individually hand painted cachets bring these childhood favorites to life. Cinderella finds the glass slipper to be a perfect fit as the castle of Prince Charming is seen in the distance. The adventurous and self-confident Tramp has an encounter with the prim and proper Lady. Beauty comforts the gentle but uncomely beast unaware that his destiny is to become a handsome prince. And, the grand and ageless Disney mouse makes his appearance as Mickey calls on Minnie with a modest bouquet of flowers hidden behind his back.
Bright and vibrant is how I would describe the watercolors that are applied ever so carefully by numerous brush strokes on each and every cachet. These covers are destined to become treasures of the hobby, and now is the time to secure them for your collection before I sell out. I will send them at one per month starting with Cinderella as she admires the glass slipper in the presence of her little mice friends. I'm pleased to offer the 2006 Art of Disney set of four at $13.25 each. Mickey and Minnie — 14101; Cinderella with Glass Slipper — 14102; Beauty and the Beast — 14103; and Lady and the Tramp —14104.