Collins FDC Catalog
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A5002 / Scott 4605
Dogs At Work
Therapy Dog
Welsh Springer Spaniel
Collins Cover Announcement
Dogs at Work
A springer spaniel therapy dog stands at the ready on a seaside boardwalk. These amazing dogs are trained to provide love and comfort to individuals in hospitals, nursing and retirement homes, people with learning impairments, and those in stressful situations such as recovering from medical problems, dealing with the loss of loved ones, or coping with disasters.
A therapy dog can be almost any breed, but its temperament is the most important factor. Animals that are friendly, intelligent, patient, confident, and gentle in all situations make for superior therapy dogs. They must enjoy human contact and, not only endure being constantly petted and handled but, be
totally content with it.
My individually hand painted cachet shows one of these extraordinary dog as it waits patiently. The reassuring wooden boardwalk, peaceful ocean water visible through the rails, and beautifully marked springer spaniel with colorful vest all combine to provide a positive and comforting experience for someone in need. My third cachet in this mini-set of four is now available. Therapy dog — Collins #A5002 at $14.50