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Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

I5101 / Scott 4711 & 4712
Christmas Wildlife
Raccoon - “Waterwheel Mill”
Reindeer in Flight, Crescent Moon & Holy Family
Collins Cover Announcement
Christmas Wildlife
Raccoon — "Waterwheel Mill"
An adorable young., raccoon has climbed a pine tree, and his wide masked eyes betray a sense of wonderment as he surveys his winter playground. Nearby. an old mill sits under a small blanket of snow as its ancient wooden waterwheel has been stopped in place by the frozen stream. If you love wildlife and/or Christmas, this individually hand painted cover is one you will treasure. Ivly cover for the curious raccoon at the waterwheel mill is now ready. Collins #I5101 at $14.50.
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