Collins FDC Catalog
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R5004 / Scott 4671
Great Film Directors
John Huston
Scene From The Maltese Falcon, Humphrey Bogart
Collins Cover Announcement
Great Film Directors
Humphrey Bogart in John Huston's
The Maltese Falcon
In this classic film, three shady characters try to obtain an encrusted jewel bird statue that is known as the Maltese Falcon. Hollywood star Humphrey Bogart starred as San Francisco private investigator Sam Spade. Costarring was Mary Astor as his client, and other cast members included Peter Lorre, Gladys George, and Sydney Greenstreet. This was the first movie that John Huston directed, and it was nominated for three Academy Awards. "The Maltese Falcon" has been named by famous movie critic Roger Ebert as one of the greatest films of all time.
John Huston was a truly great director whose style focused on character and story. His visual portrayals were matter-of-fact concentrating on the interaction and dialogue between the actors. Two other famous movies to his credit were "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" and the Bogart classic "The African Queen. "
Bogie now joins Marilyn Monroe in the first two covers that I have offered in this fantastic mini-set of four. The individually and painted cachet for John Huston's incredible work — "The Maltese Falcon" starring Humphrey Bogart — is now ready. Collins #R5004 at $14.00