Collins FDC Catalog
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Z4901 / Scott 4603
Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly
Maryland Official State Insect
Nymphalidae Family
Collins Cover Announcement
This 65¢ stamp features the beautiful butterfly against a white background. For my individually hand. painted cachet, I decided to bring in the insect's connection to the state of Maryland and more specifically to its namesake — Lord Baltimore. A little research revealed that the Lord's coat of arms used yellow as its predominant color, and that proved to be a wonderful contrast to the orange in the butterfly's wings.
Cecil Calvert was born on August 8, 1605 and ultimately established and became the first Governor of Maryland. His dashing portrait is an important part of this cachet, and it is an interesting side note to observe how close his orange/rusty colored hair and goatee match the markings in the butterfly's wings. With his official title of Lord Baltimore, Calvert went on to manage and govern Maryland for forty-two years.
At the center of the watercolored cachet is the Calvert family coat of arms. This really makes my cachet distinct and dynamic with the brilliant yellow making it a cover that is destined to become a very sought-after item in future years. Finally, prominently to the right is the Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly with upright folded wings with the numerous orange markings all painted by hand.
I'm pleased to offer this interesting First Day Cover. The lovely butterfly which is the official state insect of Maryland. The period portrait of the Checkerspot's namesake. And the bold and colorful Calvert family coat of arms which brings a unique and dynamic flair to this cachet. Add the new 65¢ stamp with its first day of issue postmark from Baltimore, Maryland and you've got a wonderful collectible. The Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly is now ready. Collins #Z4901 at $14.50.