Collins FDC Catalog
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F5301 / Scott 4862
Winter Flowers
Collins Cover Announcement
Colonial America
Francis Baird Tauern - 1766
Winter Flowers — Amaryllis
Settlers began to arrive in the Warwick Valley in 1719, and in 1764 Warwick Village was founded. It became a center of social and commercial activity, and in 1766 Francis Baird built his tavern on Main Street. Today it is the second oldest building in Warwick with only the 1764 Shingle House predating it.
My hand painted cachet views the tavern as it appeared during the Revolutionary War and as it still does today. On this cover the beautiful stone building is observed through a window on the opposite side of Main Street. Next to the panes is a love amaryllis in full bloom. The watercolor composition, unique to Collins, is what cachetmaking is all about, and I'm personally very excited about this cover and the other three in the mini-series of four. The next cachet subject will be from my home state — historic New Jersey.
Francis Baird built his limestone tavern as an inn for travelers in Colonial times. George Washington recorded his visit there in 1783 in his personal diary. Martha Washington stayed there in 1786 on her way to visit George at his Newburgh, NY headquarters. It looks today as it did then to Martha and George, and I'm very pleased to offer it for your collection. Collins #F5301 at $15.00.