Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

E5606 / Scott 5111
Cover Announcement
It is with great pleasure that I announce my set of "Pets" individually hand painted cachets that many of you have been waiting for per your notes and emails. Please take a good look at the enclosed illustrations, and you'll discover that these very distinctive Collins cachets will become hobby gems now and especially in the months and years ahead when collectors are searching for them on the open market. Be sure to sign up now so you ensure that you will own them.
These stamps were very popular from the day they went on sale, and I thought long and hard about my cachet design. I finally opted for an extremely bold black border that would surround each cachet thus making sure that the Collins covers were both readily recognizable and highly desirable and appealing. Each pet is painted in realistic colors and presented in a lifelike setting. The enclosed illustrations give a good indication as to the quality of my hand painted cachets, but the actual colors on the envelopes are even more beautiful and lifelike than these photos.
Two other artistic features make these cachets stand out even more. Each cover has an inner or shadow border painted in a soft pastel that further projects the natural colors of the pets themselves. And the varying shades of the rainbow of colors used for these inner borders bring a subtle individualism to a comprehensive set that is firmly set apart from other cachetmakers by the strong black frames.
Also by intent is the cozy comer created by the curved border that provides an ample white space to present each really nice pet stamp that is tied to the envelope with the bullseye first day of issue cancelation. Each cover in this Collins set is colorful, realistic, and highly distinctive, and the individually hand painted series will come to be regarded as one of the finest created by any cachetmaker. They represent the quality craftsmanship that is Collins.